Thursday, April 1, 2010


Hi i have been a member of for a short while now and lost a few kilos in such a short amount of time, but recently i stopped being faithful to my weight loss plan (which was super low calories allowed each day) and pretty much binged for a whole month.

I'm depressed because my mum always pressures me to go to the gym. It hurts me hearing it from my mum more than anything. And i have lost motivation to exercise.

Surprisingly I only gained around 3 kilos, however I feel disgusting and am so angry with myself. I want to be skinny more than anything. The voice in my head tells me not to eat, yet i go for the worst possible option and binge on chocolate or take away. For something I want so badly, I seem to do the complete opposite. I am out of control and I hope that by expressing my emotions on here I will be able to lose the weight I so badly wish for.

I want to keep my muscle tone which i have worked so hard for but get skinny. Although I know that by restricting my calories so low, that i will lose my muscle.
I dont know what to do anymore...

1 comment:

  1. Hey there, yep i have that voice too, that sais "dont it eat", but i choose to ignore it and you feel like youll never loose weight cos you cant control what you put in your mouth. its never ending. but dont worry ill be here for you :) im just learning that when i get those cravings for sweet things or take away i opt for an option that is similar but low calorie. also if you keep doing light weights you should increase your metabolism and still keep your muscle toned. x
